Sorry hollywood, but this is the real India. #rant

Here’s the deal… India is not a land of snake charmers. I have been living in India for the past 25 years (all my frickin’ life) and have seen exactly two snake charmers.

We are not all cab drivers or customer support or software engineers. Also, there is no language called “Indian”.

There is a growing resentment among Indians about the way India is portrayed in hollywood movies and about how the rest of the world perceives them. Continue reading “Sorry hollywood, but this is the real India. #rant”

My bread and butter is my cup of coffee

My bread and butter is my cup of coffee

Disclaimer: Dear reader, please don’t take this post literally. Trying to sip and swallow your toast can lead to choking and even death. To those who did it anyway: please don’t haunt me.

The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated.
– William James

Somebody told me that I am good with computers. Yeah, I was young, twelve maybe.  Continue reading “My bread and butter is my cup of coffee”

Kicking the butt

The cigarette perched between his index finger and middle finger was getting warmer and warmer. His right hand aided him to take one final puff, while his left hand instinctively reached for the pack of cigarettes in his pocket.

Getting into an addiction and coming out of it must be the greatest test of willpower, he thought, Never again!

He slowly walked to the edge of the deck of his sixty foot yacht and threw his still unfinished pack of cigarettes into the clear blue water, as he kicked the butt for the 49th time.

For the daily prompt: Never Again

Get a time machine, think like the old you and be fearless!

I would like to start by asking you a question. Think about this:

What if there was a time machine that can take you five or ten years back in time, with the amazing ability that you will be younger as you were at that period of time? Also, you get to keep all your memories and your knowledge that you have right now!

Now I have to ask you…

Will you still be scared to get on a stage in front of thirty ten year olds? Continue reading “Get a time machine, think like the old you and be fearless!”

Why the heck do I blog?

I find myself looking at my blog’s likes and views at least once a day. Even on the days I don’t post anything. I don’t know why, but this feels too much like checking Facebook for likes.

It’s only been a month since I started blogging. Not to mention, I blog anonymously and nobody in this world knows that I even have a blog.

Why? Because I haven’t told anyone. Continue reading “Why the heck do I blog?”